Soweto Tours

If one day in Soweto is too short for you to ask all the questions you have or to see all the community activities you may want to see, Phaphama can arrange for you to stay with a local Soweto family for a night, a weekend or a week or more.

In this way, you will have time to immerse in the culture. Meeting family members across the generations will provide you with enriching insights into the development of South Africa.

You may not have all the luxuries and comforts of a hotel or a bed 'n' breakfast

 - but -

By eating with the family the food they normally eat, by walking around the neighbourhood and by having conversations with elders, adults and children, you will begin to get an insider-view of the community, their culture and their way of life. In the process, you will also be sharing about yourself and forming new relationships that often become the foundation of long-lasting friendships.

If the opportunity arises, you may also be able to participate in community functions such as weddings, funerals or cultural rituals.

This is experience at its best: a meeting of people who leave one another having both given and received in ways which uphold personal and cultural dignity.

Phaphama also does immersions in other areas of South Africa.

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