Soweto Tours

A full day visit to Soweto with Phaphama is your opportunity to learn about the history of Soweto and engage in a two-way cultural exchange, experiencing urban African life in the 21st Century and sharing something of your own culture and way of life with your hosts.

A Full Day SOWETO VISIT includes the following:

Lunch with a Soweto family

You will join a family in Soweto for a delicious home-cooked African meal of iphalishi (maize porridge), ikabishi (cabbage), ithanga (pumpkin) and umleqwa (home prepared chicken). Everyone has fun eating with their hands in true African style.

African intercultural afternoon

Family members and neighbours of the Phaphama host will explore with you various aspects of urban living.

Through discussion and role-play, you will experience:

You will be given an African name, learn an African greeting with the appropriate handshake, and learn basic phrases in one of the indigenous languages.

To round off the visit, your hosts will teach you one or two African songs complete with dance steps.

Many visitors say that this intercultural experience (and the food!), is the highlight of not just their Soweto Tour, but their whole stay in South Africa.

Sites of historical significance and cultural heritage

Depending on your itinerary and interest your tour may include these sites:

We would also be very happy to accommodate your special interests eg school, church or sangoma visits, to mention just a few, if you let us know in advance of your visit.

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