We’re on a journey to impact change in our communities. Take a look at the programs we have available in our organisation.

Training for Facilitators
Since 1995, Phaphama has trained more than 2000 skilled facilitators in violence prevention and peace-building work. Phaphama’s training for facilitators (T4F) course is based on the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) methodology of developing facilitators. This methodology requires that the aspiring facilitators go through a practical process of learning to build community and cultivate a […]
Gender Transformative Initiatives
The gender transformative training of Phaphama is premised on the fact that both women and men are afflicted by gender disharmony, each needs the other for true and complete healing. This work brings women and men together to confront and transform gender injustice. The training is in a form of a five-day workshop, which is […]
Conflict Transformation
The Phaphama conflict transformation services include mediation, coaching, team-building and experiential conflict resolution workshops. These can be delivered for individuals and groups over two or more days, depending on the clients’ needs. Participants learn the causes of conflict and violence, recognise institutionalised violence, understand its effect on others and interrogate their contribution to conflict. They […]
Gender Equity and Reconciliation (GER)
The high incidence of gender-based violence is a stark indicator of the severity of the gender disharmony that exists in South Africa and many other parts of the world. Equally, the entrenched patriarchy tells us that unless something is done gender injustices will persist.  This disharmony and injustice have negative effects to both women and […]
Alternative to Violence Programme (AVP)
AVP started in 1975 as a collaboration between prisoners and Quaker prison visitors in the USA. The programme, which is today widely used in correctional facilities around the world, is now also used in many other contexts. AVP is a world-wide network of (mainly) volunteer trainers doing this work and sharing their experiences with each […]
Community Mapping
Community Mapping is essentially a tool to involve people in a community in jointly: Researching their community; Imagining a better future, and Taking action together to bring that future to life.  As a key MaL component, Community Mapping can take anything between three to five days of taking participants through the theoretical and practical work […]
Making a Living (MaL)
The Making a Living (MaL) programme adopts a holistic approach towards realising our vision of healthy people and communities by facilitating economic activity that will also start addressing food insecurity.  For example, by using agroecology principles, we are teaching people to grow food for themselves and then to sell to their community and broader markets.  […]
Youth Mentorship
This component of the MaL focuses on building individual interpersonal and community development skills. Using our tried and tested methodologies based on the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP), Gender Reconciliation (GR) and Life-skills coaching experiential workshops we run an 8-10 day training with our participants. When they have completed this workshop, participants have learned to communicate […]
Transfer of African Language Knowledge (TALK)
In 1990 TALK laid the foundations of all our peace work. Initiated by our visionary founding member Liz Johanson-Botha, TALK has over the years contributed to the nation building project in South Africa. TALK uses African language and intercultural learning as a vehicle through which to build effective workplace and personal relationships based on mutual […]

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